Is Your Business a Fit For HeatSeeker?


You may have heard about Company 119’s HeatSeeker system for sales and marketing, but were unsure whether it was a good fit for your business.

To start, let’s revisit what HeatSeeker is. HeatSeeker is a comprehensive system–a strategy for your sales and marketing efforts across every digital platform, from your website to your social media to your display ads. HeatSeeker is also a methodology–a proven sales philosophy that believes in the power of reaching the right people at the right time.

So what makes a business a good fit for HeatSeeker? These are just a few things:

You’ve defined a targeted focus for your marketing. At Company 119, we help clients adopt a focus strategy, which involves targeting your market to a narrowly defined group of people that you consider to be your ideal customers. If you’re a global business that sells a product to the masses, or you believe that everyone has the potential to be your next customer, HeatSeeker may not be a good fit for your business. If you’ve already defined some target market segments for your products and services, then we should have a conversation.

Your sales team lacks direction. Is your sales team spinning its wheels, struggling with knowing who to call or spending hours a day on cold calls? Our HeatSeeker system is the answer to inefficient prospecting. Rather than calling prospects who likely have no idea who you are and probably have no intention of buying your product or service, your sales team can call lists of prospects who are likely to buy from you. Our system helps you identify prospects who will turn into sales for your business.

If you’re ready to learn more about HeatSeeker, we’d love to speak with you. Please call our team at (440) 565-5655 or send us a message.

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