5 Tips for Business Owners New to LinkedIn


Co119-BusinessEmailIcon-Jan16 LinkedIn launched in 2002 as a social network for business professionals, initially viewed as a collection of business contacts, current and past coworkers, and professional colleagues. Fourteen years later, LinkedIn has become a strong network of more than 400 million members. While many still use LinkedIn to keep track of their business contacts or conduct a job search, the majority of business and sales professionals are using LinkedIn as a very powerful networking tool.

If you are a business owner who is new to LinkedIn, you may not know where to begin. Before you can begin to use LinkedIn to its full potential for your business, you must start with optimizing your personal profile.

Add a profile photo. Your profile photo is what will capture a user’s interests and in some cases persuade them to click on your profile, rather than a similar one without a picture. Make sure you have added a recent, professional profile photo to your account.

Add a headline. Your headline is potentially the most critical aspect of your LinkedIn profile. If people are conducting a LinkedIn search, the words and phrases in your headline is what will capture them. Consider it the place for you to make a memorable, compelling statement about what you do, so as to entice a click from someone on your profile, rather than on a competitor’s profile.

Post (at minimum) once a week. We understand your time may be limited, but if you are going to have a presence on LinkedIn, you must post regularly. Set a posting schedule for yourself and stick to it. If it is easier, write a batch of posts in advance and schedule them using a social media management tool like Hootsuite.

Join a group and engage. Find a group relevant to your business and the products or services you provide. Once you join the group, be an engaged member. Take time to read and comment on others’ posts. This will foster engagement and raise awareness of your profile, as well.

Carve out a time to check your page every day. LinkedIn is an extremely valuable social media tool, but often one that a user will create, then forget about for months at a time. Make sure you carve out a time to check your page every day, allowing you to respond to comments on your own posts, while continuing to engage with your groups.


Looking for more LinkedIn profile tips or strategies to use LinkedIn to grow your business? Contact the team at Company 119 today.


If you are local to Northeast Ohio, please join us for our Lunch & LinkedIn event on April 28, 2016.

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