Improving Conversion Rates with Proper Web Design


Your website acts as a front door to your business. Just as you want potential new customers to have a positive experience when they give you a call or stop by your location, you also want users to have a great experience online. Think about this: In a matter of seconds, a user will form an opinion of your entire company based on the appearance and usability of your website.

When users have a positive experience, they are more likely to convert to customers. But how do you know if your website is making a strong first impression? Here are several questions to consider.

1. Does the site appear professional?
Users are more likely to trust a site that looks professional. Your site should have a consistent, appealing design and be free of spelling errors, broken links, or inaccurate information. A messy site can reflect poorly on your brand.

2. Can users easily navigate the site?
Nothing frustrates users more than a confusing navigation. Make sure that they can quickly and easily find what they are looking for on your site. If they can’t, they will leave quickly. This will result in a high page bounce rate, which is the percentage of users who leave your site without looking around.

3. Is there a clear call to action?
A call to action is an instruction to your users that prompts a desired response, such as adding a product to a shopping cart or completing a contact form. Calls to action should be placed prominently on your website so that they are easy to find.

4. Do we have a compelling value proposition? 
Your website should tell the story of your business. What do you want users to know about your brand? What can you offer them above and beyond your competitors?  A powerful value proposition will resonate with users and increase conversion.

5. Does the design reflect our brand?
Your site should have a look and feel that complements your brand. Choose several colors and use them consistently throughout the site. Remove elements that do not serve a purpose and are distracting, such as irrelevant stock images, multiple sidebars, or big headers.

6. Are we offering high-quality, user-friendly content?
Informative, relevant content is very important for SEO. However, most users will leave a page that is full of dense text. Write your content with the people visiting your site in mind. Keep it concise and use a variety of bulleted or numbered lists and boldfaced headers to make it easier to read.

Are you ready to optimize your website for improved conversions? Call Company 119 today!

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