The Most Critical Question for Sales Teams in 2017


You’ve probably heard the old saying, “If nothing changes, then nothing changes.”

Not exactly rocket science, but it’s important to remember: If you plan to do nothing to change your behavior in 2017, can you really improve on 2016?

As a sales professional or a small business owner, there is one critical question you should be asking yourself going into 2017. No, though important, it’s not how much can we sell in the new year or how many leads do we need to reach our sales goals.

The most critical question for sales teams in 2017 is, “What am I going to do differently?”

Any success ultimately boils down to the decisions we make on a daily basis. The actions you take on a regular old Tuesday add up to the year-end successes we calculate and celebrate in the first quarter. For example, these are just a few of the potential answers to the question.

“I am going to better manage my time.”

We all get the same 8 hours (or more) each day to get the job done. Is there time that you could be spending more effectively? Are there processes that you could put in place that would help you become more efficient or productive? If you find yourself stuck in your e-mail, for example, for hours each day, try to implement a set routine. Give yourself a set amount of time – maybe 45 minutes or an hour – to work through e-mails in the morning and at the end of the day.

“I am going to use my CRM.”

Did you spend money implementing a Customer Response Management (CRM) tool for your business, but fail to use it consistently? If you use a CRM the way it is intended, tracking all of your communications and behaviors appropriately, you will see a return on investment.

“I am going to take an active response to e-mails.”

You drop your prospects into lead nurturing journeys or tracks, send emails out, and then wait for the prospect to respond or give us a call. Sound familiar? In 2017, use the intelligence tools that exist to be active, not passive, in your e-mail approach. A prospect may not reply to your e-mail, but instead will visit and view products on your site. If you know this is happening, you can reach out to the prospect at this time.

The possibilities to this approach are endless as you consider all of your daily activities and behaviors. Resolve to do just one thing differently this year and see the impact on your success.

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