Is Your Website User-Friendly?


Company119-WebsiteUserFriendlyRedFlags-July15 Think of someone approaching your website like they would your home’s front porch. Does your front door stand out among other houses on the street? Is the porch light flickering? Does the home look inviting? Just like your home’s front porch can leave a visitor with an unsettled or unwelcome feeling, so can your website. Make sure your website is not waving any of these red flags, signaling that your site is not user-friendly.

  1. Logo is not visible. If your website does not display your logo, you run the risk of confusing your visitors. Your logo is the strongest symbol you have of your brand identity. Make sure it is clearly visible on your site and extending your brand into the digital space.
  2. Confusing navigation. The main navigation of your site points to the most important pages of your website, where visitors are most likely wanting to go, like your product listings or your contact page. Pretend you are a visitor landing on your website for the first time. Can you quickly locate the important pages on your site? Does it take several clicks to find the pages you need? Your goal should be to offer users a streamlined, friendly navigation that intuitively leads them where they need to go with as few clicks as possible.
  3. No search bar. If users cannot search to find what they are looking for on your site, they may get lost. Instead of trying to find their way back to your site’s main page, they are more likely to just leave.
  4. Use of random images. Perhaps you are a family-owned auto-repair shop. If a user lands on your site because they are searching for a specific automobile part, but they see a large image of a family flying a kite on your home page, they may believe they are in the wrong place. The images on your site should be relevant to your brand and your service. Make sure they convey the right message.
  5. Lengthy, convoluted content. The majority of your users have a short attention span—they want to quickly digest the information they need. All content on your site should be clear, concise, and to the point.

For more website design advice, contact the professional team at Company 119. We design professional, high-quality websites for companies and organizations seeking to grow their business in the digital marketplace.

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