5 Must-Dos to Grow Revenue Using Your Website


Company119-5 Must-Dos to Grow Revenue Using Your Website-Nov15 Struggling to grow revenue for your business online? Looking for new ways to generate leads? You might be under-utilizing one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal—your website. That domain name and digital space you have on the web can be a very powerful revenue generation tool if used effectively. Here are five ways you can start meeting your company’s financial goals using your website:

    1. Be user-friendly. Is your website hard to navigate? Can a user easily locate your contact information or order submission form? If not, these roadblocks could be hurting your online sales potential. Make sure the functionality of your website is designed to be user-friendly.


    1. Be mobile-friendly. More than half of all website searches are occurring on mobile devices. If your site is not designed to be mobile responsive—meaning that when a user clicks on your site on his or her mobile phone, the site will automatically resize to fit the phone screen—you could be quickly passed over for a competitor. The bottom line is that people are impatient; if they cannot read or navigate your site on their mobile phone, they will move on quickly.


    1. Provide the right content. When people are searching online, they usually have a specific piece of information, or answer, that they are seeking. You should know your prospective customers well enough to predict the information they are searching for and make sure your website delivers it.


    1. Include calls to action. Sales do not happen magically through a website. When a potential customer lands on your site, you must have clear, compelling calls to action—prompts to your users to take a specific action.


    1. Pay attention to your website analytics. If you have questions about your website performance, the answer is very likely within your website analytics. For example, do many users leave your website from the same page? This could signal that a page is confusing or not fulfilling your customers’ needs. If many users are leaving your website from the payment page, it is possible that the payment process is unclear or not working properly. Perhaps there are changes you could make to the page to ease the payment process—leading to more completed purchases.


Are you ready to start generating more leads through your website? Contact the team at Company 119 for experienced digital marketing and website design strategy.

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