How Can Contractors Market to Gen Z?

Attract More Gen Z Homeowners

You already know that successful marketing requires personalizing your message to fit your audience, but marketing to Generation Z takes a special kind of marketing savvy. As the first generation to grow up with smartphones and social media, Gen Zers have a unique relationship with modern technology that sets them apart from past generations. So, how can you resonate with Gen Z consumers?

Gen Z marketing might sound intimidating, but it’s easier than you might think. Just like any other marketing strategy, you’ll need to segment your audience and tailor your messaging. But to connect with the new generation of digital natives, you need a strong online presence—and that means building an authentic, creative, and bold brand that aligns with Gen Z values.

people holding up their phones with the message "tik tok youth are coming" on the screen

Maybe you’ve been focusing your marketing efforts toward older generations, but it’s time to rethink your strategy. With more Gen Zers entering the marketplace and buying homes for the first time, you need to step up your digital presence to grow your contractor business. Here’s how to get started.

Who Is Gen Z?

Gen Zers were born between 1996 and 2010. They’re one of the largest generations, made up of 2.47 billion people—comprising roughly 32 percent of the world’s population. 

Gen Z isn’t just the most ethnically and racially diverse generation of any group. They’re also shaping up to be the most well-educated, packing a whopping spending power of $143 billion. And with more Gen Zers rounding the corner of childhood, graduating high school and college, and becoming first-time homeowners, there’s no better time for contractors to start marketing to Gen Z consumers.

Why do I need to rethink my marketing strategy to connect with Gen Z?, you’re thinking. Well, they’re the first generation to grow up surrounded by modern technology. Technology has shaped their lives and purchasing behaviors—and they’re spending more time online researching brands, products, and services than any other generation.

Gen Zers are digital natives. They’re comfortable communicating through instant messaging and social media, and they spend more time on their smartphones than watching television. Instead of relying on your tried-and-true marketing strategy, you’ll need to mix things up to stand out in a sea of status updates, news stories, and marketing promos.


In an overly saturated marketplace, Gen Zers want to support inclusive brands with clear values and a strong online presence. To successfully connect with Gen Z consumers, you need a powerful digital marketing strategy to promote your brand and differentiate yourself from the competition.

5 Marketing Strategies to Connect With Gen Z

To tap into Gen Z’s massive spending power, you’ll need to understand what Gen Z consumers do, what they like, and what they expect from your brand. The good news? It’s easier to make your marketing click with younger generations than you might think.

With a few strategies tailored to Gen Z, you can reach new audiences with conversion-worthy content—all without distancing yourself from existing customers. Here’s how to connect with the new generation of digital natives.

1. Establish Clear Brand Values

Thanks to their access to technology, Gen Zers could easily connect and engage with people from around the world at a young age, giving them a greater appreciation for diversity and social issues than other generations. So, what does that mean for your brand?

Before you kickstart your new marketing strategy, take a step back and think about your brand values. Gen Z consumers are more likely to vote with their dollars, and they want to invest in brands that reflect their values. To successfully promote your contractor business to Gen Z, you’ll need to establish clear brand values that appeal to them.

Consider your company’s overall goal. What does your employee diversity look like? Do you want to provide homeowners with energy-efficient appliances to help them go green? Are you using revenue generated by your services to give back to your local community? 

Once you’ve identified some values that set your brand apart, it’s time to shine a spotlight on those values throughout your marketing messages, social media channels, and website. And remember: It’s not enough to just talk the talk. You need to walk the walk and actually live those values to create an authentic brand.

2. Rethink Your Communication Strategy

With modern technology at their fingertips, Gen Zers expect information quickly. They’re searching the internet to find local contractors, checking social media, and reading online reviews. And when they’re ready to ask a question or request a quote, they expect a reply—fast.

That’s where a lightning-fast communication strategy can be your marketing MVP. You need a solid system to respond to current and potential customers as quickly as possible, and the numbers back this up. According to research by Sprout Social, 41 percent of Gen Zers say they would buy from brands that deliver timely customer service over competitors.

How can you shift your communication strategy to meet the demands of Gen Z? Start by listening to your audience’s comments, feedback, and direct messages to drive engagement and boost brand loyalty. Even if you’re busy managing techs and working in the field, you can use social listening tools to stay on top of brand mentions across social media.


Once you’ve implemented social listening, it’s time to level up your communication strategy with automation. If you’re not sure where to start, consider investing in a 24/7 live chat service like This way, when leads reach out with a question after your workday ends, you won’t have to sacrifice your sanity to grow your business. acts as an extension of your office, with professional live agents to capture, quality, and intake leads around the clock.

3. Create Scroll-Stopping Content

The best way to connect with Gen Z? Social media marketing. According to Sprout Social, 81 percent of Gen Zers say that Instagram and YouTube are their preferred platforms. And when asked which platforms they want brands to use more of, 56 percent said Instagram, while 38 percent said YouTube.

Of course, creating scroll-stopping content is easier said than done. After growing up with modern technology, Gen Z has quickly adapted to sorting through and assessing information, so you’ll need to capture their attention fast. According to research by Google, you’ll need to create a strong first impression within eight seconds or risk losing them forever.

How can you break through the digital noise and get your business in front of Gen Z? Focus on sending a short, simple, and relevant message (think: memes and short-form videos). To build recognition and keep prospects coming back for more, you’ll want to create quality content that aligns with your brand identity.

The bottom line? Instead of boring your audience with static images and long-form text, spark their interest with bite-sized content. The faster you can get your message across, the better.

4. Get Interactive With Your Marketing

Your content doesn’t just need to be eye-catching—it also needs to be interactive. Gen Z consumers don’t want to be sold to. Instead, they want to engage with your content and feel like part of a bigger community.

Even if you’re not a social media pro, it’s easy to transform your posts into interactive content. Your customers want to do something, whether that’s tapping, swiping, or clicking, when they land on your posts. Here, anything you can do to encourage interaction or conversion on social media is fair game.

Not sure where to start? Our clients have seen success using simple interactive features (think: Twitter polls and interactive poll stickers on Instagram) to encourage engagement. For example, if you’re running an exclusive discount on power washing for your social media followers, you might post about the promotion on your Instagram Stories and encourage followers to DM you for the digital coupon code.


Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content, either. Your content should always be useful and relevant to your audience, and that means sharing information they can learn from and use in real life. Depending on your industry, that might mean sharing “how to” guides on hiring roofers, DIY landscaping tips, or behind-the-scenes videos of your latest kitchen remodeling project.

5. Invest in Video Marketing

That’s right: It’s time to invest in video marketing. Gen Z loves video content, from short-form videos on TikTok to longer videos on YouTube. According to research by Snapchat, Gen Z and millennials dramatically increased their video consumption in 2020. In fact, Gen Zers and millennials say that they watch over an hour per day watching video content on social media apps alone.

If you’re marketing to Gen Z consumers, make sure to do your homework to choose the best length and platform for your videos. Don’t forget to use overlays, visual effects, and audio to make your video content more engaging. To drive engagement, you’ll want to make the first few seconds of your video attention-grabbing. Captions and thumbnails are non-negotiable.

Whether you’re taking the DIY route or hiring a professional production team, quality should be your top priority. And again, authenticity is key. Try creating videos with employees or clients to win the attention of your leads. If your budget allows, consider partnering with local influencers to broaden your reach.

Tap Into New Audiences

If you haven’t started marketing to Gen Z, now is the perfect time to start. As more Gen Zers become homeowners and start searching for reliable local contractors, you need to rethink your marketing strategy to capture new leads and avoid falling behind.

Ready to upgrade your digital presence with powerful Gen Z marketing strategies? Reach out to our team today to start brainstorming your new marketing plan.

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