Generating Quality Sales Leads from Your Website


Co119-PayPerClickIcon-Jan16 How can you generate more quality sales leads from your website?

That is the question. And, there’s certainly a lot of research and advice around answering that question of what it takes to grow online leads for your business. A word of caution: Don’t get caught up in the jargon. Remember what an online lead actually is–a real person with real wants and needs.

A prospective lead begins as a website user who searches for your product or service and visits your website. A high-quality lead is then a website user who has a strong interest and immediate need for your product or service, as well as the budget or funds to make a purchase. So as you think about online lead generation for your business, consider what it takes to turn just one individual website visitor into a high-quality lead.

Gain their trust. A visitor might hesitate to stick around on your website, let alone submit a contact form or complete a purchase, if your website does not convey trust. Sometimes all it takes to gain a visitor’s trust is to provide some essential information about your business, such as a phone number and physical address. You can also add credibility to your website with the inclusion of photo or video testimonials from your current or previous clients. This is valuable social proof.

Entice them with compelling calls to action. A high volume of search traffic to your website is a great thing. But hold the applause until your visitor actually takes a desired action on your website. What is it that you want your visitor to do? It might be to complete a contact form or submit an e-mail address for a newsletter list. It might be to add a product to an online shopping cart and complete an online purchase. Whatever it is you want your visitor to do, your website must be designed with an emphasis on those actions. You can achieve this by using clear, visible calls to action on every page of your website.

Offer them a clear value proposition. What can you promise to offer this visitor that no other competitor can? This is your value proposition. Perhaps you offer them unparalleled customer support or the best price in the local market. Whatever your unique value is, be sure to convey this through your website. Let them know why they should choose to work with or buy from you.

Have a plan for following through. In many cases, your website can produce a quality sales lead, but the next step must be taken offline. You will need to have a plan for how this will be handled within your organization. For example, once a visitor completes a contact form or signs up for your e-mail newsletter, follow through. Respond or reach out to the lead as soon as possible.

The Company 119 team can help you turn website users into real, quality leads for your business with a better digital marketing strategy. We are based in Cleveland and committed to helping our clients in Northeast Ohio and beyond reach their financial goals. Give us a call today.

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